
Blog | 2 minutes

What Type of Queuing System Will Benefit Your Business?

Businesses and other customer-serving organizations may not think much about their queueing systems. After all, if customers are ready to (…)

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Blog | 2 minutes

Which Is It: Que line, Queue Line, Qline, or Cue Line?

When you are patiently waiting at a coffee shop for your morning latte, are you in a que line, a (…)

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Virtual Queuing for Restaurants

Limited or no-reservation seating is an increasingly popular way of managing the flow of restaurant guests. However, a notable challenge (…)

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When Physical Queuing Goes Digital

What does your checkout process look like? Do your customers currently wait in a physical line? If so, it may (…)

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Blog | 4 Minutes

How to Create Customer Delight with a Virtual Queue

It’s a simple fact that happy customers will stick around longer than unhappy ones. What’s not so simple is cracking (…)

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